It’s Time for NC Elections!

It’s Time for NC Elections!

Would you like to be more involved and serve as an official representative in our community?  The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system will be holding elections for several positions on The Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC)…

Community Impact Statement to Strengthen Neighborhood Councils by Revision of City Charter Article IX

“Woodland Hills _ Warner Center NC Board supports a proposal for Los Angeles City Charter Article IX Revision to Empower Neighborhood Councils
The Woodland Hills Issues and Policies (WHIP) Committee drafted critical revisions to Article IX of the Los Angeles City Charter to strengthen Neighborhood Councils. The proposal addresses funding, authority, support, elections, and collaboration challenges Neighborhood Councils face. Key updates include establishing an Independent Funding Commission, enhancing Neighborhood Council influence in city decisions, expanding DONE’s support role, streamlining elections, and fostering better cooperation with city officials. As the LA City Council considers charter updates, this timely proposal seeks to revitalize grassroots democracy in Los Angeles. Stakeholders are invited to review and provide feedback on these important changes to improve community engagement in local governance.”

Your 2019-2020 WHWCNC Board

Your 2019-2020 WHWCNC Board

Our new board was seated on Wednesday night by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield. Thank you to all of our departing board members and welcome to the new members of the board

WHWCNC Standing Rules

WHWCNC Standing Rules

Standing rules shall be adopted by the Board of Directors to clarify and supplement the
administration of the Bylaws. Such rules shall be in addition to the Bylaws and shall not be
construed to change or replace any Bylaw.

Participate In The Development of The New Community Plan

Participate In The Development of The New Community Plan

The City Planners will provide a comprehensive presentation on June 14th at the WHWCNC Monthly Board Meeting of the Plan and how it could affect
Woodland Hills neighborhoods, commercial areas, zoning and other related factors.
There will be a question and answer period so the Planners can receive
comments and questions from the
NC Board/Stakeholders and provide answers and updates.