Neighborhood Council Board Members

The Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council district is broken into 7 areas of representation plus an at-large representative. Each area has a residential representative, a business representative and a community based organization representative.

Executive Board Members

Dena Weiss portrait photo

Dena Weiss



Mihran Kalaydjian portrait photo

Tracey Rosen

Vice President


Karen DiBiase Portrait photo

Karen Dibiase

Heath Kline portrait photo

Heath Kline

Don Patterson portrait phot

Don Patterson


Area 1 Representatives

Karen DiBiase Portrait photo

Karen DiBiase

Area 1 Residential Representative

Geoffrey Hobson portrait photo

Geoffrey Hobson

Area 1 Business Representative

Shelly Schwartz portrait photo

Rochelle "Shelly" Schwartz

Area 1 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative

Reina Cerros - McCaughey

Area 1 Alternate Representative

Area 2 Representatives

Arturo Velasquez

Julian Tu

Area 2 Residential Representative

Masha Dowell

Area 2 Business Representative

Elie El Habr

Area 2 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative


Area 2 Alternate Representative

Area 3 Representatives

Tracey Rosen portrait photo

Tracey Rosen

Area 3 Residential Representative

Dean Mathew

Area 3 Business Representative

Tracey Rosen portrait photo

Harout Aristakessian

Area 3 Community-Based Organization (CBO) Representative

male placeholder

Jayce Baron

Area 3 Alternate Representative

Area 4 Representatives

Don Patterson portrait phot

Don Patterson

Area 4 Residential Representative
Martin Lipkin portrait photo

Martin Lipkin

Area 4 Business Representative
Dena Weiss portrait photo

Dena Weiss

Area 4 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative

Rachel Tabak Portrait photo


Area 4 Alternate Representative

Area 5 Representatives

male placeholder

Steve Sommers

Area 5 Residential Representative

Julie Waltrip portrait photo

Julie Waltrip

Area 5 Business Representative

Theresa Campbell portrait photo

Vacant Position

Area 5 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative


Area 5 Alternate Representative

Area 6 Representatives

Vacant Position

Area 6 Residential Representative

Heath Kline portrait photo

Heath Kline

Area 6 Business Representative

Bobbie Wasserman portrait photo

Megan Jacoby

Area 6 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative

Lauren Coffman


Area 6 Alternate Representative

Area 7 Representatives

Aaron Williams Picture

Kate Kennedy

Area 7 Residential Representative

Rose O’Sullivan

Area 7 Business Representative

Joyce Fletcher portrait photo

Joyce Fletcher

Area 7 Community Based Organization (CBO) Representative

Juliet Schwarz

Area 7 Alternate Representative

At Large Representatives

August Steurer portrait photo

August Steurer

At-Large Representative
Bobbie Wasserman portrait photo

Vacant Position

At-Large Alternate Representative

Talia Issacs portrait photo

Vacant Position

Youth Member

Want to fill an empty seat?

The Board of the Neighborhood Council fills Open Board seats. Persons wishing to fill an open seat must meet the standard election requirements. You must reside, work or actively participate in a (CBO) community-based organization in the area you wish to represent. Alternate Board members participate on committees and represent the area they serve. However, they cannot vote at Board meetings unless a Board Member from the same area is unable to vote or absent. You are required to attend all Board meetings, and your input is valued.

Vacancies: In the event that a Representative resigns, is removed, or is unable to serve, the Alternate shall become the Representative for the remainder of the Representative’s elected term. If the Alternate is removed, unable to serve, or there is no Alternate, any stakeholder, as defined in Article IV, “stakeholder” may make a recommendation to the President, who shall present a replacement nominee to the Governance Committee. The applicant’s qualifications shall be verified and confirmed by the Governance Committee and then be seated immediately after approval by a majority of the Neighborhood Council Board Members. The replacement shall serve the remainder of the term of the office being filled.


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Area Boundaries

The Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council district is broken into 7 Areas of representation. Each Area has a residential representative, a business representative and an at-large representative.


Download the map.

Area North South East West
1* Victory Boulevard Ventura 101 Freeway Corbin Avenue DeSoto Avenue
*Area 1 shall also include the area between the Los Angeles River Channel and Victory Boulevard between Corbin and Winnetka Avenues
2 Vanowen Street Victory Boulevard (between Shoup Avenue and the lots fronting along the west side of Topanga Canyon Boulevard) and the Ventura 101 Freeway (between Topanga Canyon Boulevard and De Soto Avenue) DeSoto Avenue Shoup Avenue (between Vanowen Street and Victory Boulevard) and the lots fronting along the west side of Topanga Canyon Boulevard (between Victory Boulevard and the Ventura 101 Freeway)
3 Victory Boulevard Ventura 101 Freeway Topanga Canyon Boulevard Woodlake Avenue
4 Victory Boulevard Ventura 101 Freeway Woodlake Avenue Los Angeles City/County Line
5 Ventura 101 Freeway Los Angeles City/County Line Corbin Avenue Serrania Avenue
6 Ventura 101 Freeway Los Angeles County Line Serrania Avenue Topanga Canyon Boulevard
7 Ventura 101 Freeway Los Angeles County Line Topanga Canyon Boulevard Los Angeles City/County Line