Case Number VTT-83939-SL; DIR-2023-6206-DB-SPP-SPR-HCA; ENV-2023-6207-EAF;
Status of Case Open
Type of Project

Project Name 21241-21243 Ventura Blvd. – Small Lot Subdivision or Mixed Use Development

The applicant is proposing two alternative projects for the site and will seek entitlements for both with the final decision based on future market conditions.

Option 1:
The construction, use and maintainance of 111 three-story sfd, six (6) sfd will be restricted for Very Low Income Households, on proposed small lots in the C4-1LD and the P-1LD Zones

Option 2:
The construction of a new seven story mixed use apartment building with 578 units, 7,401 square feet of commercial space, and 58,600 square feet of open space.

The presentation presented to the PLUM committee can be viewed by clicking here.