SPECIAL - COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, May 7, 2018 – 6:30 pm America Legion Hall 826 5320 Fallbrook Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Click For Agenda COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEMS: Items for discussion and possible vote: Senior Forum – June 2nd – Mercy Alpert Discussion and planning for the Senior Forum 2018 […]
Discussion and possible action:
Motion for the Board to approve President, Joyce Fletcher to write a letter of request to the City Planner: requesting City Planning to extend the June 11, 2018 comment period 90 days to September 7, 2018, so the WHWCNC Promenade 2035 Ad hoc Committee can have enough time to adequately review the Promenade 2035 SEIR (Supplemental Environmental Impact Report) published by City Planning and made available to the public on April 26, 2018. The City requires the WHWCNC conduct committee review and a Board vote, which cannot be accomplished in the time permitted by the City, as the document is thousands of pages long and the Executive Summary is 204 pages. The length of the document and the 45 day comment period presents an untenable burden on the Council and the stakeholders we represent,t as it does not allow time for NC Board review/vote and greatly prohibits the ability of the NC to schedule outreach forums to obtain stakeholder input.
AGENDA (click here) Meeting Cancelled Due to Lack of Quorum Call to Order Roll Call Public Announcements Public Comment period Items for discussion and possible vote: Referrals from the Board President Discussion and possible action on requested amending of a prior motion sent to the Board regarding NC equity funding. To update the motion, the […]