1. Senior Forum – June 2nd – Mercy Alpert
Discussion and planning for the Senior Forum 2018
2. One Generation Senior Symposium – May 19th - Linda Kouy-Ghadosh
NC Booth, staffing of the booth and outreach for the event
3. Schools and Education related future projects and partnerships
4. Ideas for how to spend the rest of the NC Funds for fiscal year 2017/2018, deadline June 2018.
The Governance Committee will meet Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to review application received for the vacant youth board member position. The full agenda is here: NC Governance Committee 20180320
AGENDA Stakeholders and the public are permitted to address the Committee on any item on the Agenda prior to Committee actions on said item. It is requested speakers complete a “Speaker Card” and hand it to the Chair. Comments from Stakeholders and the Public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item […]