
Make Your Voice Heard! How You Can Participate

CONNECT – with the community and city through your NC. Call us at 818-639-9444
Sign up for our face book and twitter. We have over 1,000 face book followers!


Sign up as member on the member pop up box located on the front page of the website

RUN for a position as a voting “Board member” of the council. Here you will have the most direct impact on the direction and projects undertaken by the NC. For more information, including deadlines, go to the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council website “Election Page” at The next Election will be held Spring 2016.

VOTE in the NC elections coming up in Spring 2016. By voting, you not only show support for the candidate for whom you vote, you also show your support and confidence in the democratic process. Don’t let that process keep slipping away. Show City Hall that we won’t be ignored. You will be able to vote in person or by mail. For further information, see the NC website at, the other articles in this newsletter.

VOLUNTEER your time contributing to one or more committees of the NC. You do not need to be an elected member of the NC to participate and help it run. Many of the most significant achievements of the NC’s were spearheaded and driven by the efforts of those who were non-elected participants of the NC’s. Visit the Committees website page to learn about the Council Committees.

CONTRIBUTE at NC meetings. They are open to the public and held monthly locally in the evening.
If you have issues you would like addressed, this is a great place to start. The Council Board Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Go to the website Calendar for dates, time, location and agendas.

CONNECT with the community and city through your NC and stay connected. Imagine the strength of a presentation to the City Council saying that a particular opinion on an issue is verifiably shared by 78% of the community. That kind of clout only comes when people participate in their organizations. It means a lot. The only way for the NC to effectively present the views of the community is for people to share their views with it.