A great example of teamwork at Serrania Park - Neighborhood Council members let Councilmember Blumenfield's office know about the damaged sun shade over the Children's play area at the park - and Team Blumenfield worked with Parks & Recreation to get a new shade., Now we can all celebrate a better park and have time […]
WHWCNC ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 23, 2018 – 6:45 pm Woodland Hills Public Library 2nd Floor Community Room, 22200 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA The WHWCNC Environmental Committee meets on the 4th Monday of the month, next meeting on 8-27-18 Click Here For Agenda Stakeholders and the public are permitted to address the Committee […]
Meeting of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council's Public Safety Committee. Meeting location: Woodland Hills Recreation Center (Classroom). See detailed information at the bottom of this post. This meeting will cover July, which had to be rescheduled due to the July 4th holiday, and the normal August meeting. Topics may include the following […]
THIS MEETING IS CANCELED DUE TO WATER LEAK AT THE COMMUNITY ROOM - 9:15 am, 7-26-2018 AGENDA (Click) Stakeholders and the public are permitted to address the Committee on any item on the Agenda prior to Committee actions on said item. It is requested speakers complete a “Speaker Card” and hand it to the Chair. […]