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WHWCNC Special Full Board Meeting

July 29 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm PDT







Special Full Board Meeting




200 N. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012


Email: NCsupport@lacity.org Website: www.empowerla.org


     BY ZOOM    

                            July 29, 2024

6:30 p.m.- 09:00 p.m.


Zoom Meeting Online or By Telephone

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 838 4403 1909

Or Dial (669) 900-6833 to Join the Meeting

Code is 838 4403 1909 and Press #

Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte Karen DiBiase, Secretaria, al 818-639-9444 o por correo electrónico www.whcouncil.org para avisar al Concejo Vecinal. IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OCTOBER 6, 2023 ENACTMENT OF CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 411 (PORTANTINO) AND LA CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL ON NOVEMBER 1, 2023, THIS WOODLAND HILLS WARNER CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE AVAILABLE VIRTUALLY.

Every person wishing to address the Committee must enter the meeting via the above Zoom link or dial (669) 900-6833 and enter 838 4403 1909 and then press # to join the meeting. When prompted by the presiding officer, to provide public input at the Meeting of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council [WHWCNC] meeting, the public will be requested to dial *9 by phone or use the Raise Hand option on Zoom, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered.


Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future WHWCNC Board or Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minutes per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.


SB 411 Updates:

In the event of a disruption that prevents the Board from broadcasting the meeting to members of the public using the call-in option or internet-based service option, or in the event of a disruption within the Board control that prevents members of the public from offering public comments using the call-in option or internet-based service option, the Board shall take no further action on items appearing on the meeting agenda until public access to the meeting via the call-in option or internet-based service option is restored. Actions taken on agenda items during a disruption that prevents the Board from broadcasting the meeting may be challenged pursuant to Section 54960.1.

The Board shall not require public comments to be submitted in advance of the meeting and shall provide an opportunity for the public to address the Board and offer comments in real time.

Notwithstanding Section 54953.3, an individual desiring to provide public comment through the use of an internet website, or other online platform, not under the control of the Board, that requires registration to log in to a teleconference may be required to register as required by the third-party internet website or online platform to participate.

(i) If the Board provides a timed public comment period for each agenda item shall not close the public comment period for the agenda item, or the opportunity to register, pursuant to subparagraph to provide public comment until that timed public comment period has elapsed.

(ii) If the Board does not provide a timed public comment period, but takes public comment separately on each agenda item, shall allow a reasonable amount of time per agenda item to allow public members the opportunity to provide public comment, including time for members of the public to register pursuant to subparagraph (D), or otherwise be recognized for the purpose of providing public comment.

(iii) If the Board provides a timed general public comment period that does not correspond to a specific agenda item shall not close the public comment period or the opportunity to register, pursuant to subparagraph (D), until the timed general public comment period has elapsed.

Board Members:

Area 1 – Karen DiBiase, Geoffrey Hobson, Rochelle / Shelly Schwartz, Reina Cerros- McCaughey

Area 2 – Julian Tu,  Peter Haber, Masha Dowell

Area 3 – Tracey Rosen, Dean Mathew, Harout Z. Aristakessian, Jayce Baron

Area 4 – Don Patterson, Martin Lipkin, Dena Weiss

Area 5 – Julie Waltrip, Steve Sommers

Area 6 –William Barnett, Heath Kline, Bobbie Wasserman, Janice Mendell

Area 7 – Kate Kennedy, Lillian / Joyce Fletcher,  Rosaleen O’Sullivan
At-Large – August Steurer, Vacant Seat for Alternate
Youth Member – Vacant seat





Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


Public Announcements:

Office of Councilmember Bob Blumenfield – if available                                                                                     (2 minute each)

Office of Local and State Officials – if available                                                                                     (2 minute each)

Other Local Agencies – if available                                                                                     (2 minute each)


General Public Comment, by the Public, on Non-Agenda Items:

General Public Comment is limited to (2) minutes per speaker and 10 minutes total due to limited timing at the firestation venue.


  1. Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures:

All comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

Time limits set for each agenda item may be adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board. Time limits may vary so the public is encouraged to join the meeting several minutes PRIOR to a specific agenda item being discussed.



  1. Approval of Minutes: Deferred until next full Board meeting.


  1. Officer Reports                               (estimated time 5 minutes)


President – Dena Weiss- absent     

Vice President – Tracey Rosen

Treasurer – Heath Kline

Secretary -Karen DiBiase- absent 

Parliamentarian – Don Patterson


  1. Items for Discussion and Possible Action:


Item No. 1

Don Patterson, Marty Lipkin, Co-Chairs of Planning, Land Use, and Mobility Committee

(24-065) Motion by the Board providing comments on the Draft Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance.

For discussion and possible action                                                                            (estimated time 20 minutes)


PLUM Motion:


As pertaining to the Draft Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance dated June 27, 2023, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council hereby finds that:


WHEREAS, Planning staff has failed to adequately outreach to neighborhood councils to communicate the ordinance, its goals, and its impacts. In fact, no outreach occurred in the San Fernando Valley west of the 405, San Diego freeway.


WHEREAS, Planning staff has not sought feedback from the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council.


WHEREAS, the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council recognizes the need for additional market rate and affordable housing within the City of Los Angeles.


WHEREAS, the Woodland Hills and Warner Center communities have supported the development of nearly 20,000 housing units in the Warner Center 2035 Specific Plan.


WHEREAS, the current draft ordinance fails to recognize the significant contributions the Woodland Hills and Warner Center communities have made towards addressing the need for additional housing.


WHEREAS, the community seeks to preserve the diversity of its neighborhoods, including high density Warner Center, its hillside neighbohoods, and single family neighborhoods to provide a diversity of housing opportunities.


WHEREAS, the Woodland Hills and Warner Center communities recognize the need for additional opportunity corridors within our community that balance this need with those of existing neighborhoods.


THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the  Board of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council support the following changes to the CHIP Ordinance:


  • Remove the Opportunity Corridor Incentive area designation on the south side of Ventura Boulevard from Corbin Avenue to the 101, Ventura freeway.
  • Remove the Opportunity Corridor Incentive area designation on the north side of Ventura Boulevard from the 101, Ventura freeway, to the western terminus of the designatation area.
  • Remove the Opportunity Corridor Incentive area on both sides of Topanga Canyon Boulevard from Ventura Boulevard to Mulholland Drive.
  • Remove publicly owned and faith-based properties located in very high fire zones from consideration of redevelopment within the draft ordinance.
  • Work with certifed neigborhood councils to develop and implement appropriate neighborhood protective measures adjacent to opportunity corridors, including, but not limited to, such measures as permit parking and traffic restrictions,
  • Work with certifed neigborhood councils to develop and implement additional appropriate neighborhood protective measures adjacent to opportunity corridors, including, but not limited to, building step backs and set backs.
  • Promote the development of housing at the Metropolitan Transporation Agency (Metro) G line (formerly Orange line) lots.


Motion:   Don Patterson

Second:   Bobbie Wasserman



Aye:  Don Patterson, Marty Lipkin, Sean McCarthy, Henry Rice, Bobbie Wasserman, August Streurer, Joyce Fletcher

Nay: None

Abstain: Karen Koe

Recused:  None

Absence: Matt Richman

Roll Call Vote

Item No. 2

Don Patterson, Marty Lipkin, Co-Chairs of Planning, Land Use, and Mobility Committee

(24-066) Motion by the Board supporting the Woodland Hills Homeowners Association (WHHO) letter on the Draft Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance.


For discussion and possible action                                                                (estimated time 10 minutes)

Motion by the Board supporting the Woodland Hills Homeowners Association (WHHO) letter on the Draft Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance.


See Supporting document.


Motion:   Sean McCarthy

Second: Joyce Fletcher




Vote of 7 Ayes (Patterson, Lipkin, Fletcher, McCarthy, Rice, Richman, Wasserman); 1 Nay (Steurer); 1 Abstention (Koe).


Roll Call Vote


     Committee Reports,                                                                                                   (10 minutes)

Arts and Culture Committee –  Masha Dowell, Chair

Budget Committee – Heath Kline, Chair

Community Services Committee – Joyce Fletcher, Chair
Community Outreach Committee –Tracey Rosen, Chair

Education and Youth Committee – Julie Waltrip, Chair
Environmental & Beautification Committee – Karen DiBiase, Chair
Governance Committee – Dena Weiss, Chair

Governmental Relations – Bobbie Wasserman, Chair

Public Health and Homelessness Committee – Chair being determined

Public Safety and Transportation –Julie Waltrip and Shelly Schwartz,  Chairs
PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Marty Lipkin, Co-Chairs

WHIP Committee – August Steurer and Heath Kline, Co-Chairs


Area Reports                                                                                                             (5 minutes)

Area 1 – Karen DiBiase, Geoffrey Hobson, Rochelle / Shelly Schwartz, Reina Cerros- McCaughey

Area 2 – Julian Tu, Paul Lawler, Peter Haber, Masha Dowell

Area 3 – Tracey Rosen, Dean Mathew, Harout Z. Aristakessian, Jayce Baron

Area 4 – Don Patterson, Martin Lipkin, Dena Weiss

Area 5 – Christopher Waddy, Julie Waltrip, Steve Sommers, Allan Biggins

Area 6 –William Barnett, Heath Kline, Bobbie Wasserman, Janice Mendell

Area 7 – Kate Kennedy, Lillian / Joyce Fletcher,  Rosaleen O’Sullivan

Adjournment of Meeting


The next Regular Board meeting will be held in person on August 14, 2024, virtually,  unless otherwise indicated.  Please visit the calendar page at whcouncil.org for the complete details and to confirm the date and time.

Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 year: Full Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Check the NC website calendar for a complete list of committee and board meetings. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Check the NC calendar for updated meeting schedules.


*THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT – As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate based on disability and, upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure the availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) before the meeting by contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment by calling (213) 978-1551 or email: NCsupport@lacity.org.


*PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non- exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website: www.whcouncil.org or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record, if available, related to an item on the agenda, please contact the President and / or Dena Weiss, at email address d.weiss@whcouncil.org.


*PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – agendas are posted for public review as follows:

  • whcouncil.org and go to the website Calendar page and click on the date – Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. Check the calendar for any change of meeting date and/or time.
  • You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to A. City’s Early Notification System at https://www.lacity.org/subscriptions


A copy of this agenda is also physically posted in the plexiglass case fixed to the front door of the Firestation 84  located at   21050 Burbank Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA, 91367

  • .
  • *RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS – For information on the WHWCNC process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the WHWCNC The Bylaws are available at our website at www.whcouncil.org


  • SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN – Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a Dena Weiss al weiss@whcouncil.org o por correo electrónico avisar al Concejo Vecinal.


  • Notice to Paid Representatives – If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code §§ 48.01 et seq. More information is available at lacity.org/lobbying. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at {213) 978- 1960 or ethics.commission@lacity.org.


July 29
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm PDT
Event Category:


Dena Weiss


NONE, CA NONE United States
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