The PLUM Committee will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, November 17. Significant items for discussion are highlighted below. The full official agenda is here: 11/17/22 PLUM Committee Agenda
- ZA-2022-5065-CWW 23388 Mulholland Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Addition of a new wireless facility on existing building.
- ZA-2022-2788-CU-SPP-SPR-WDI 22822 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Construction of a new 3,342 square foot fast food drive-thru restaurant (In-N-Out) and demolition of existing former bank building.
- ENV-2022-6081-EAF 22736 W. Victory Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Demolition of existing self-service car wash and construction of a new drive-thru self-service car wash.