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May Full Board Meeting

May 12, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm PDT

community plan map site




Wednesday, May 12, 2021 – 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.


Click For May 12, 2021 Agenda

Click for April 14th Board Minutes

Woodlake Elementary NPG Support Doc

2020-2021 budget Reallocation

Organization for Social Media NPG and Supporting

Organization for Social Media – YouTube Background Video

Calvert St Elementary NPG

Oxnard Street Flag Lot Case Report

Terasaki Institute Plum Case Report

March Board MER Spending Report

OSSM IRS Determination Letter



In conformity with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 (MARCH 17, 2020) and due to concerns over COVID-19, the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council meeting will be conducted entirely telephonically.


Every person wishing to address the Neighborhood Council must either dial +1 669 900 6833 or go online via   Zoom and enter Webinar ID # 964 9371 2127 and then press # to join the meeting. Instructions on how to sign up for public comment will be given to listeners at the start of the meeting. When calling-in telephonically, the public is requested to dial *9, when prompted by the presiding officer, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item.  Zoom users should use the “raise hand” feature.


*PUBLIC INPUT ON AGENDA ITEMS – The public may address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Public comment is limited to (1) minute per speaker.

*PUBLIC INPUT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may   become the subject of a future Board meeting.

General Public Comment is limited to (1) minute per speaker and 20 minutes total.


All Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.





Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


Public Announcements:

Office of Councilmember Bob Blumenfield – if available                                        (5 minutes)

Office of Local and State Officials – if available                                              (3 minutes each)

Other Local Agencies – if available                                                                   (2 minutes each)


General Public Comment, by the Public, on Non-Agenda Items:

General Public Comment is limited to (1) minute per speaker and 20 minutes total.




  1. Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures: all votes taken require a roll call vote.
  2. Approval of Minutes: Board Meeting – April 14, 2021 (5 minutes)


See posted support document.                                                                        Roll Call Vote


  1. Officer Reports (10 minutes)


President – Joyce Fletcher
Vice President – Sheppard Kaufman
Treasurer – Paul Lawler

Secretary – Karen DiBiase

Parliamentarian – Don Patterson


  1. Items for Discussion and Possible Action: all votes taken require a roll call vote.


Item No. (1) Treasurer, Paul Lawler

(21- 042) March 2021 – MER


Discussion and possible action:                                                                      (5 minutes)


Motion to approve the WHWCNC Budget/Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Monthly Expense Reconciliation

[MER] for March 2021.

See posted support document                                                                                     Roll Call Vote


Item No. (2) Paul Lawler, Treasurer and Joyce Fletcher, President

(21-043) Reallocation of the 2020-2021 WHWCNC Budget


Discussion and possible action:                                                                      (10 minutes)


Motion for the board to approve the reallocation of the 2020-2021 Budget to reflect approved        expenditures and funds available to the end of fiscal year June 30, 2021.


See posted support documents                                                                       Roll Call Vote


Item No. (3) PLUM Committee – Lauren Coffman, Chair

(21-044) 23133 Oxnard Street, Woodland Hills

Lot Split in Walnut Acres Neighborhood


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (20 minutes)


As pertaining to Cases AA-2021-2130-PMLA and ZA-2021-2132-ZAA, having held (1) public PLUM teleconference meeting for the application to permit subdivision of the parcel at 23133 Oxnard St. Woodland Hills, into two lots, creating a flag lot in the rear, in an RA-1 zone, and the application for Zoning Administrator adjustment to allow less than 70 ft. lot width the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee hereby finds that:

WHEREAS, based on the Preliminary Parcel Map provided by the applicant as part of the application, dated 3/16/21, the proposed lot split does not involve a parcel landlocked by topography; and,


WHEREAS, the Preliminary Parcel Map, provided by the applicant as part of the application, dated 3/16/21, shows 2 lots conforming to zoning regulations for square footage.  However, the rear flag lot is 18 ft. wide at the midpoint and thus does not conform to the lot width requirement of minimum 70 feet at the midpoint for RA-1 zoned parcels as defined by Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Article 2, Sections 12.03 (lot width definition) and 12.07. C. 4, (“RA” Suburban Zone Standards minimum width requirement); and,


WHEREAS, the proposed lot split and subsequent development can impinge on the animal keeping privileges of adjoining property owners authorized by the RA-1 zoning regulations, and thus deprive owners of the value of the RA-1 zoning which they chose; and,


WHEREAS, the proposed lot split will result in a nonconforming flag lot increasing the density, in a very low-density residential community as designated by the General Plan, and thus deprive Walnut Acres owners of the value of the RA-1 zoning; and,


WHEREAS, the proposed lot split and nonconforming flag lot will potentially create privacy issues

and conflicts with adjoining residents, and will potentially depreciate the value of adjoining properties; and,


WHEREAS, flag lots change the character of the Walnut Acres community and have the potential to destroy the character and semi-rural atmosphere of the entire Walnut Acres RA-1 zoned community

thus depriving Walnut Acres owners of the value of the RA-1 zoning; and,


WHEREAS, the CD3 Council Office and the South Valley Area Planning Commission have opposed

lot splits in the neighborhood in the past, and there have been no new lot splits approved in Walnut Acres since 2006; and,


WHEREAS, most existing flag lots in the Walnut Acres community pre-date and do not comply with the current regulations, and according to City Planning may not be developable because they cannot meet current fire regulations, and thus set no precedent for these applications.


THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee,

for the findings and conditions stated herein above, finds that the application for subdivision of an

RA-1 zoned parcel at 23133 Oxnard Street into two lots creating a flag lot, and the application for Zoning Administrator adjustment for lot width nonconformance should not receive the support of

the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council.


AND FURTHERMORE, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Councilmember Bob Blumenfield of its findings, and its subsequent recommendation to not support these applications as presented on May 12, 2021.



Item No. (4) Governance Committee – Don Patterson

(21-045) Area 7 Alternate


Discussion and possible action:                                                                      (10 minutes)


Pursuant to Article V Section 6 of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council Bylaws – Motion to appoint Dena Weiss to the vacant Alternate seat for Area 7.
(Area 7 is not part of the current neighborhood council election.)


Roll Call Vote


Item No. (5) Technology and Community Outreach Committee – Peter Fletcher, Chair

(21-046) (CIS) Funding for WHWCNC logo branded Outreach items

Discussion and possible action:                                                                      (10 minutes)


Motion for the board to approve $1,500.00 from 2020-2021 Budget line item General Outreach

for the purchase of WHWCNC logo branded outreach items to be provided to stakeholders at

various events where the WHWCNC is participating.

Items: 1300 items

Antibacterial Wet Wipes with Resealable Pouch – 200 pouches for $270

Children’s Coloring Books – 300 books for $200

My Visit with a Police Officer

Flash Teaches Fire Safety

How to Deal with Bullying – No Bullying Zone

Crayon sets individually packaged – 300 sets for $200

Ballpoint pens – 500 pens for $200

Artwork and shipping TBD

Roll Call Vote


Item No. (6) Joyce Fletcher, President

(21-047) Request per EmpowerLA – Seating of New Board Members


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (10 minutes)


At the request of Empower LA: Motion for the board to vote to seat the new board members and to

elect new Officers at the June 9, 2021 Board Meeting or the July 14, 2021 Board Meeting.

It is Empower LA’s preference for NC’s to follow the EmpowerLA 2021 Board Seating Policy which would seat the new Board in July. The elections of new officers would also occur at the July meeting.  Because NC elections have occurred so close to the end of the fiscal year, July is the preferred option to select in order to close out the fiscal year, support projects, process payments on time and complete new board member training requirements.


Roll Call Vote




Item No. (7) Joyce Fletcher, President

(21-048) Election Transition Caucus                                                         


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (10 minutes)



Motion for the Board to not require the following election “Transition Caucus” process outlined in

the Bylaws as it is in violation of the committee quorum that allows only (5) board members to participate on any NC committee. This Bylaw is also in violation of the Brown Act requirement that all meetings must be publicly noticed and publicly held. This Board voted to not have a caucus after the 2019 NC Election.


A Caucus is defined as follows: a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to select candidates or to decide on policy a presidential caucus also: a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause.


WHWCNC Bylaws – Article 4 – Section 3: Selection of Officers


  1. Following any annual election and prior to the start of new terms, a Transition Caucus will be convened composed of newly elected Representative-Elects and Alternate Representative-Elects for the purpose of nominating and accepting nominations of candidates for officer positions. The Transition Caucus shall include one person from each of the seven (7) areas, plus the elected ASR. Final selection of Transition Caucus members will be at the discretion of the President whose term is ending.


  1. Officers shall be elected from the annual Transition Caucus nominations. In the event that a newly elected Representative is removed from office due to a successful election challenge and the margin of victory for any given officer is close, the Transition Caucus may reconvene to re-vote for the affected officer positions.


  1. If there are more than two (2) candidates for an office and none receives a majority vote on the first election, a run-off election shall be held immediately between the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes.


Roll Call Vote


Item No. (8) Education Committee – Reina Cerros McCaughey, Chair

(21-049) Funding Request – Calvert Charter Elementary School


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (15 minutes)


Motion for the board to approve a NPG for $2,000 from Budget line-item NPG General Fund for Calvert Charter Enriched Studies Elementary school to provide shade structures. The grant will be used to directly help pay for much needed shade for the students. Calvert Charter for Enriched studies serves students from all over Woodland hills, and surrounding areas, Calvert Charter for Enriched Studies is in Woodland Hills Warner Center, Area 1, the school serves a predominant population of Title 1 students, total students enrolled is 336. In this post pandemic world, students will spend a great deal of time outside making this project even more beneficial and relevant to Calvert students.

See posted support documents                                                                       Roll Call Vote




Item No. (9) PLUM Committee – Lauren Coffman, Chair

(21-050) DIR-2021-915-DI, Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation

2100 Erwin Street, Woodland Hills 91367


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (15 minutes)


As pertaining to Case DIR-2021-951-DI, having held 2 public teleconference meetings for the applicant,

Terasaki, medical research institute, 21100 Erwin St., Woodland Hills, CA 91367, seeking the support of the WHWCNC for a request for Administrative Clearance to allow a change of use from a previous vacant office and parking garage to a medical research laboratory. The subject property is located in the College District as defined by the Warner Center Specific Plan. The proposed use as a Medical Research Laboratory is included in Hybrid Industrial Use under the Warner Center Specific Plan. The project name is Terasaki Institute of Biomedical Innovation. Background Terasaki is a non-profit medical research institute located in Westwood, near UCLA.


WHEREAS, the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (“Terasaki”), a non-profit medical research institute located in Los Angeles, seeks to change the use of the existing building located at 21100 Erwin Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (“Project Site”) from office and parking garage to medical research laboratory (the “Project”); and,


WHEREAS, the Project entails the build-out and operation of an approximately 46,880 sqft medical research laboratory and ancillary facilities, including offices, meeting spaces, and a vivarium, within the existing building, with no planned changes to its physical envelope; and,


WHEREAS, WCSP Sec. authorizes a change of use within an existing building, a use permitted under the WCSP subject to an Administrative Clearance; and,


WHEREAS, Terasaki seeks the support of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council of the following three requests, pending before the City’s Planning Department for the Project:

  1. Administrative Clearance under the WCSP for a change of use within the existing building;
  2. Director’s interpretation that the use and maintenance of a vivarium in connection with the proposed medical research laboratory is an allowed Hybrid Industrial use within the WCSP College District;
  3. Director’s interpretation that the Project does not expand the physical envelope of the existing building is not subject to and shall not be required to comply with the following WCSP requirements:

(i) Publicly Accessible Open Space; (ii) Pedestrian-Adapted Pathways; (iii) Setbacks; (iv) Open Space Requirements; and (v) Master Planning Project Requirements; and,


WHEREAS, Terasaki shall provide for the secure and humane treatment of all lab animals consisting

of rats and mice used in its research activities, including transportation to and from the facility, in conformance with all applicable regulatory and professional standards and requirements; and,


WHEREAS, Viruses, bacterium, and poisonous biological agents shall not be used at the lab; and,

WHEREAS, Terasaki has offered to host educational opportunities for the WHWC community and the public at large at the Project site on a semi-annual basis, which may include open houses, tours, and lectures, subject to security and related operational considerations; and,


WHEREAS, Terasaki intends to satisfy the WCSP’s requirements for parking and to promote the use of

alternative methods of transportation; and,


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT; the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Board Neighborhood Council Board recommends that the City of Los Angeles approves the submitted plans for the change of use of the existing building at 21100 Erwin St., Woodland Hills, CA to a medical research Laboratory and vivarium and that the City accept the applied-for Administrative Clearance and two Director’s Interpretations as approved by the WHWCNC on May 12, 2021.


FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning, Land Use, and Mobility Committee recommends the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Councilmember Bob Blumenfield of its findings and its subsequent recommendation to approve this application as presented on May 12, 2021.


See posted support document                                                                         Roll Call Vote


Item No (10) Education Committee – Reina Cerros McCaughey, Chair

(21-051) Funding Request – Bullying and Social Media Education


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (15 minutes)


Motion for the Board to approve a NPG from Budget line-item NPG General Fund in the amount of $2,500 to directly fund the Parent and Student Social Media Safety Presentation Package for one Title 1 LAUSD middle or high school in Woodland Hills conducted by experts in social media safety. The Student Presentation is for students ranging from 5th through 12th grades. Presentation educates in an age-appropriate way the most serious social media-related dangers and how to prevent and/or most safely respond to them, including: Cyberbullying, Social media addiction, preventing cyber-motivated violence, reacting to and helping reduce online hate speech.


See posted support documents                                                                       Roll Call Vote


Item No (11) Education Committee – Reina Cerros McCaughey, Chair

(21-052) Funding Request – Woodlake Elementary School


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (15 minutes)


Motion for the Board to approve a Neighborhood Purpose Grant from Budget line-item NPG General Funds, on behalf of Woodlake Elementary School in the amount of $1,500.

The grant will be used to directly support 600 students in the Woodland Hills Area 3. Woodlake Elementary school is a public school serving students from medium to low income households.   The Neighborhood purpose grant will help pay for the Art studio program.  With this enrichment opportunity, Woodlake students will be able to broaden their lives and the lives of others in the community with a sense of passion and cultural awareness.  The Art program provides children with an opportunity that some children would never have a chance to experience.


See posted support documents                                                                       Roll Call Vote

Item No (12) Joyce Fletcher, President

(21-053) Funding for Portable Covid Protection Screens for booths at NC events


Discussion and possible action:                                                                     (10 minutes)


Motion for the board to approve funding up to $300.00 from Budget line-item General Outreach

to purchase (2) portable plexiglass Covid protective screens for use at the WHWCNC booths at NC events. The screens can be purchased on Amazon or at a local vendor.


Roll Call Vote

  1. Area Reports – (15 minutes)

Area 1 – Aaron Quantz, Karen DiBiase, Reina McCaughey, Mark Schwartz

Area 2 – Brian Drapkin, Paul Lawler, Sean McCarthy, Ray Cole
Area 3 – Nancy McLean, Angela Dawson, John Sandy Campbell, Alex Farassati

Area 4 – Don Patterson, Martin Lipkin, Dena Weiss

Area 5 – Peter Fletcher, Austin Rocker, Lisa Meyers
Area 6 – Gilbert Yablon, Heath Kline, Lauren Coffman, August Steurer

Area 7 – Ginny Sand, Joyce Fletcher, Houtan Hormozian
At-Large – Sheppard Kaufman
Youth Member – Vacant


  1. Committee Reports – (20 minutes)

Budget Committee – Paul Lawler and Joyce Fletcher, Co-Chairs

Community Services Committee – Joyce Fletcher, Chair
Education Committee – Reina McCaughey, Chair
Environmental & Beautification Committee – Karen DiBiase, Chair

Governance Committee – Don Patterson, Chair

Homelessness Committee – Ray Cole, Chair
PLUM Committee – Lauren Coffman, Chair
Public Safety and Transportation Committee – Sheppard Kaufman, Chair
Technology & Community Outreach Committee – Peter Fletcher, Chair
WHIP Committee – Heath Kline, Chair
Alliance – West Valley Neighborhood Alliance on Homelessness (WVNAH) – Ray Cole

Ad-hoc – Westfield Promenade 2035 Project – Joyce Fletcher
Ad Hoc Committee – Measure A. Parks Program – Peter Fletcher
Ad Hoc Committee – Arts Fees and Cultural Amenities – Lauren Coffman



The next Regular Board meeting will be held on June 9, 2021 by teleconference. Please visit the calendar page at whcouncil.org for the complete details and to confirm the date and time.


Meeting dates for 2021 -2022 year: Full Board meeting are held the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm. Check the NC website calendar for a complete list of committee and board meetings. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Check the NC calendar for updated meeting schedules.


Due to COVID 19 ALL in person meetings have been moved to virtual teleconference.
HOWEVER, please check the www.whcouncil.org website calendar page for any changes that may occur.


Adjournment of Meeting:


*THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT – As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Joyce Fletcher, at (818-340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org or the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at (213) 978-1551 EmpowerLa@LACity.org


*PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website: www.whcouncil.org or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Joyce Fletcher at (818) 340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org


*PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – agendas are posted for public review as follows:
• www.whcouncil.org – go to the website Calendar page and click on the date – Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. Check the calendar for any change of meeting date and/or time.
• You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at



*RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS – For information on the WHWCNC process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the WHWCNC Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our website at www.whcouncil.org


SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN – Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a Joyce fletcher de la Mesa Directiva, al j.fletcher@whcouncil.org o por correo electrónico avisar al Concejo Vecinal.


Notice to Paid Representatives – If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code §§ 48.01 et seq. More information is available at ethics.lacity.org/lobbying. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at {213) 978-1960 or ethics.commission@lacity.org


PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – Neighborhood Council agendas are posted for public review as follows:

www.whcouncil.org and go to the calendar page and click on the date, board meeting and agenda

You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at


May 12, 2021
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm PDT
Event Category:

