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December 12, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm PST

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 – 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
American Legion Hall
5320 Fallbrook Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


Budget MER

Affordable Housing City Planning Report

whip Warner Center Affordable Housing Motion






Wednesday, December 12, 2018 – 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

American Legion Hall

5320 Fallbrook Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


*PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS – The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period.   Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting.


Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.


Comments from Stakeholders and the Public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction on other matters not appearing on the Agenda will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public Comment is limited to 20 minutes.


The opinions, positions or actions taken by the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council do not represent or imply similar opinions held by the Owner, Landlord, L.A.U.S.D, or representatives of any venue hosting a meeting of the Neighborhood Council Board, or affiliated committees.




Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


Approval of Minutes:   Board Meeting – November 14, 2018

Special Board Meeting – November 14, 2018



  1. Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures:


Public Announcements:

LAPD Topanga Division

Office of Councilman Bob Blumenfield

Empower LA representative for WHWCNC – Gibson Nyambura


Office of other Local and State Officials and Other Public Announcements and Presentations


Public Comment Period (on items not on the agenda): (2) minutes per speaker




Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures:




Officer Reports:

President – Joyce Fletcher

Reminder WHWCNC Annual Holiday Party – Friday, December 14th

            A New Year Reminder “To Do” List will be sent to the Board and Committees

Vice-President – Sheppard Kaufman

Treasurer – Paul Lawler

Secretary – Linda Kouy-Ghadosh – Assistant Secretary, Karen DiBiase

Parliamentarian – Don Patterson


Committee Reports:

Beautification Committee – Sean McCarthy, Chair

Budget Committee – Paul Lawler and Joyce Fletcher, Co-Chairs – Budget Committee Meeting will be scheduled for January to reallocate funds from January to June 2019

Community Outreach Committee – Ray Cole, Chair – Peter Fletcher, Vice Chair

Community Services Committee  – Mercy Alpert and Joyce Fletcher, Co-Chairs

Education Committee – Bill Anderson, Chair

Environment Committee – Karen DiBiase and Gina Thornburg, Co-Chairs

Governance Committee – Don Patterson, Chair

Homelessness Committee  – Ray Cole, Chair

PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

Public Safety Committee – Sheppard Kaufman, Chair

WHIP Committee – August Steurer, Chair

Ad-hoc Westfield Promenade 2035 Project – Joyce Fletcher, Chair

Ad-hoc SSFL Committee – Karen DiBiase, Chair

Ad-hoc Election Committee – Chair, TBD  – Election 2019 Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 18th at Platt Library



  1. Items for Board discussion and possible action:


Item No. (1) Paul Lawler, Treasurer

(18-104) Board Approval to pay outstanding invoice from Feb. 2018 for vendor Languages4You


Discussion and possible action:


Motion for the Board to approve the following.

Request from the City Clerk to Ratify the WHWCNC 2018/2019 Budget to include the payment of  $960.00 for the following outstanding unpaid invoice from EmpowerLa  related to expenses incurred at the February 10, 2018 WHWCNC Job Fair . The 2018-2019 Budget will be adjusted to reflect this payment from this year’s Budget.


Language: 2 ASL – Sign language: – For up to two hours = $200 x 2   interpreters (09:30-11:30)

– Every hour thereafter at $85/hr = 3 additional hrs = $255 x 2 ASL interpreters = (per City Atty contract’s fee schedule #C-124066)

(see attached)


Per EmpowerLa: On February 2, 2018, the Department received a request from Cameron Gil to have sign language interpreters at the WHWCNC Job Fair event, held on February 10th. EmpowerLa contacted the Languages4You vendor, to provide them with the information for having sign language interpreters for 10 individuals attending, and to assist at the employer booths from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Westfield Rose Goldwater Community Center located at 21710 Vanowen street, Canoga Park.


Item No. (2) Paul Lawler, Treasurer

(18-105) Approval of Monthly Expense Reconciliation (MER) for October 2018


Discussion and possible action:


Motion to approve the WHWCNC Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Monthly Expense Reconciliation [MER] for October 2018 with a beginning balance of $41,112.26 and a remaining balance of $40,034.52 [18 pages see October 2018 MER 20181031 posted with this agenda].

Item No. (3) PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

(18-106) Funding Request for WHWCNC website PLUM Committee page


Discussion and possible action:


Request for the Board to approve funds in the amount of $1,000 from WHWCNC 2018-2019 Budget  for professional services related to design improvements to the WHWCNC website PLUM page.

The vendor will be Moore Business Systems

Website improvement funding has already been allocated, and Board approved, in the 2018-2019 Budget.


Item No. (4) ) PLUM Committee – Lauren Kaufman and Don Patterson, Co-Chairs

(18-107) ZA-2018-5961 – fence adjustment

20175 DeForest Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364


Discussion and possible action:


Having held one public meeting for the application filed by Alexander Kasendorf, Alpert, Barr & Grant APLC for a Zoning Administrator adjustment for a 13 foot fence on the property for the front and side yards of the property located at 20175 DeForest Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 we find that:


WHEREAS, there are some homes within the area that have barriers (excluding fences) that are above 8 feet; and


WHEREAS, the fence is already completed and does not comply with code requirements; and


WHEREAS, the side yard fence is 4 feet too high and the front yard fence is 9 feet too high; and


Whereas, the side yard fence was built without permit; and


Whereas, there is no zone administrator authorization; and


Whereas, the PLUM of the WHWCNC shall not set a precedence to approve fences built outside of the required height limit; and


Whereas, the fence built may propose a public safety hazard;


THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee, for the findings and conditions stated herein, finds that the submitted application and plans by Alexander Kasendorf, Alpert, Barr & Grant APLC for a Zoning Administrator Adjustment for a 13 foot fence on the property for the front and side yards of the property located at 20715 DeForest Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 not receive the support of the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council for the requested actions.


The Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee recommend that the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Councilmember Bob Blumenfield of its recommendation.


Item No (5) PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

(18-108) DIR-2018-3324-SPP Apartment Complex in Warner Center

6622-6636 Variel Avenue & 6617-6635 Independence Avenue, Woodland Hills


Discussion and possible action:


As pertaining to Case DIR-2018-3324-SPP, having held four public meetings for the application filed by Hanover R.S. LP to build a 7-story, 90-foot-high, multi-family residential building in the North Village District of the Warner Center 2035 Specific Plan, which entails demolition of three existing industrial and office buildings consisting of 71,965 SF and construction of a new building comprised of 395 dwelling units and 436,058 SF of floor area and 509 parking spaces, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee hereby finds that:


WHEREAS, the PLUM Committee opines that the project is generally compliant with the Warner Center 2035 Plan; and,


WHEREAS, the project has refined the parking structure façade and added landscaping; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has redone the facades to break up the perceived massing and brought an interior courtyard out to the street along with design changes at the corner creating a more significant presence at the activity node; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has redone the western courtyard security gating to make it visually more friendly and inviting for pedestrians; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has improved the variety and detailing of landscaping, stoops and porches to make the streetscape more varied, friendly and inviting for pedestrians; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has improved the prominence of corner architectures at the street intersections; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to maintain the streetscape landscaping and irrigation and for at least ten years to properly train street trees to develop a mature canopy and 14-foot clearance of the canopy; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to limit balcony storage by residents to plants, tables and chairs; and,


WHEREAS, the applicant has worked with the PLUM Committee and revised the architecture to the satisfaction of the PLUM Committee; and,


WHEREAS, the Applicant has improved the stoop, gateway and artwork concepts to the satisfaction of the PLUM Committee;


THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee, for the findings and conditions stated herein, finds that the submitted application and plans by Hanover R.S. LP for the proposed project at 6622-6636 Variel Ave. and 6617 6635 N. Independence Avenue, receive the support of the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council for the requested actions contingent upon the following conditions:



1.) All plans presented on December 12, 2018 at the Board Meeting of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC) shall be dated as such and re-submitted to Planning as an (updated) project application submittal.

2.) The applicant shall not submit any significant, further updated plans without presenting them to the WHWCNC for support.

3.) Additionally, all conditions herein shall be printed on one of the Project Summary pages as a commitment to and acceptance of these conditions.

4.) All current and future property owner(s) accept responsibility to provide Publicly Accessible Open Space and agree to make reasonable accommodations to the project to facilitate all future integration of pedestrian access between the project and the adjacent properties using pedestrian adapted pathways.

5.) The Applicant will install minimum size tree wells of 6’x6’ for street trees and sidewalk adjacent trees. Trees installed are to be a minimum 36”-box size and placed 3’ away from sidewalks. Gap graded soil to a minimum depth of 30 inches shall be placed under the base material of sidewalks. Street trees shall be maintained by the project for at least 10 years with training and pruning to develop trees with full mature canopies along with 14-foot clearances underneath canopies at maturity.

6.) All landscaping in the parkway including street trees will be irrigated and maintained. Tree irrigation shall not spray onto trunks and provide a minimum of 20 gallons per week. Trees will be mulched within three foot radius of trunks and grates around trees shall not be used. Tree wells shall be planted with drought tolerant landscaping outside of 3 foot radius of trunks.

7.) For project Residents, storage of items on balconies will be limited to tables, chairs and potted plants. DIR-2018-3324-SPP

The Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Councilmember Bob Blumenfield of its recommendation.


Item No. (6) WHIP Committee – August Steurer, Chair

(18-109) City Council File 13-0197-S9

Title: Warner Center 2035 Plan (WC 2035 Plan) / Affordability Requirements / Moderate and Workforce Housing / Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Affordable Housing – Warner Center 2035 Plan


Discussion and possible action:

The (WHIP) Woodland Hills Impacts and Policies Committee recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council [WHWCNC] advise the Department of City Planning, Councilman Bob Blumenfield and the City Council of the following information:

This is in response to an adopted city council motion found in Council File 13-0197-S9, which was introduced by Council Member Bob Blumenfield, that directed the Department of City Planning to propose appropriate changes to the Warner Center 2035 Plan to incorporate an Affordable Housing requirement into the Warner Center 2035 Plan for the purpose of creating a mixed-income community in Warner Center. After many hours of discussion and testimony from interested stakeholders, the WHWCNC offers the following to serve as a basis for further discussion with the Department of Planning as part of Community Outreach required by the City Council.

WHWCNC offers these options to be investigated for making affordable housing financially feasible for developers and those employees who work in Warner Center. WHWCNC believes that “solutions” must be developed in a way that does not stop continued development of housing in Warner Center, whether affordable housing requirement be inside or outside of Warner Center.

Options for City Consideration from the WHIP Committee are as follows:

The effort for providing mixed-income Affordable Housing for Warner Center needs to think beyond what is encompassed by the AHLF (Affordable Housing Linkage Fee)

The following are options to research and discuss implementing as part of a coordinated effort:


Metro Property – Use available affordable housing funds to work with Metro to use Metro-owned land currently used for parking within and outside Warner Center around Orange Line Stations to develop affordable housing projects (that must include replacement and or additional public parking for the Orange Line). According to METRO’s own web site there are several options to support Affordable Housing, which the City of Los Angeles could utilize, including rent subsidies, building on METRO owned land or entering into a joint development agreement with private developer(s). In Warner Center, these developments should not be low-density.
Similar opportunities should be investigated and pursued for the LAUSD maintenance yard at 21227 Vanowen and possibly student housing at Pierce College.


  1. Public/ Private Partnerships:
    1. Have the City of Los Angeles use a combination of Warner-Center-derived affordable housing linkage fees, affordable housing revenue bonds and/or Warner-Center-derived gross receipts tax to “buy down unit rents for a specified time” or “subsidize the construction of the percentage of required affordable units” mandated within Warner Center residential projects.
    2. Use gross receipts taxes collected from Warner Center to subsidize rents of Warner Center employees based on income qualifications. Acting as an incentive, this may make those taxes more palatable and justified for corporations looking to locate in Warner Center. This could increase the likelihood of getting more commercial space development in Warner Center thereby achieving an additional goal for balancing live-work in Warner Center and for the City from getting increased property taxes..
    3. Have the City of Los Angeles use city-wide linkage fees to purchase land within Warner Center and then partner with developers to build affordable housing projects.


  1. Locate and mandate affordable units in the Topanga District – Establish incentives and/ or select properties and rezone in the Topanga District because of the reduced potential for density in that area as currently included in the WC 2035 Plan.


  1. Redevelop existing low-density land currently used for affordable housing to affordable housing at greater density – Review areas within Warner Center having any existing affordable housing project(s) to designate them for a phased redevelopment to create more affordable housing units.


  1. Conditional rezoning of adjacent areas for Affordable Housing Uses – Review the areas (within and) to the west of Warner Center area and establish properties that can be rezoned specifically for affordable housing uses at densities greater than already allowed or achieved with density bonuses.


  1. Establish conditional “affordable housing renovation zones” in Warner Center. Use funds to redevelop with higher density or renovate/upgrade existing units conditionally to affordable housing units.


  1. Existing Buildings within Warner Center – Create contractual agreements between the City and property owners of older, existing rent-oriented buildings in Warner Center whereby in lieu of property owners paying property taxes, that money is used to subsidize the affordable rents. Similar to Mills Act for maintenance of historic properties in Los Angeles. Obviously, there would be strict guidelines to qualify and maintain these buildings. The entire, older rental buildings, located in Warner Center, or perhaps anywhere in Los Angeles, would be designated Affordable Housing. As an additional aid to achieving affordable housing units, the linkage fees could also be contributed to this program.


  1. Affordable Housing in Adjacent Areas – Do not mandate affordable housing within Warner Center. Locate affordable housing around Orange Line Stations outside Warner Center on more economically feasible properties. The adjacencies to the Orange Line Stations provide the connectivity to Warner Center that is in line with the goals of the WC 2035 Plan.


  1. Affordable Unit Mandates – Establish a reasonable percentage of affordable housing units to be provided in each residential project along with reductions or elimination of required linkage fees. This is complicated by what size of units should be required. Should it not include family-sized units?

If adopted by the Board of the WHWCNC: The WHIP Committee requests this advisory motion and the supplemental WHIP background report  be sent to Councilman Blumenfield of CD3, the Director of City Planning, the City Council PLUM Committee, all adjacent Neighborhood Councils and a submittal to City Council File 13-0197-S9.


Item No. (7) PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

(18-110) Case No. DIR-2018-2463-SPP
6330 – 6340 N. Variel Avenue., Woodland Hills, CA 91367


Discussion and possible action:


Demolition of existing uses for the construction of a two phased mixed use development including multifamily residential, commercial & office w/ three levels of associated below, at  and above grade parking. Requested entitlements, pursuant to LAMC 11.5.7.c applicant requests a project permit compliance review under the Warner Center 2035 Specific Plan for the above referenced project scope.


Regarding City Planning Case DIR-2018-2463-SPP for the application filed by Variel Court L.P. for demolition of two existing commercial buildings and construction of a  2-phase mixed-use project totaling 532,820-sf of floor area with an 8-story (450,270-sf mixed-use structure with 395 residential units, including 7 live/work units and ground floor retail, and 900-sf retail building, and a Phase II 9-story (81,650-sf) commercial office building with ground floor retail. There will be 698 total parking spaces at completion. The applicant is seeking a Project Permit Compliance Review. After holding three open public presentations and discussions, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility (“PLUM”) Committee hereby finds that:


WHEREAS, the PLUM Committee opines that the project meets the requirements for the Commercial District of the 2035 Warner Center Specific Plan including required parking, publicly accessible open space (PAOS) and connective  pathways; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has completely reconfigured  his initial site plan to add additional PAOS, and has submitted a new architecturally significant building design for both Phase I and Phase II; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has worked closely with the PLUM Committee to enhance the building architecture and plan design; and


WHEREAS, the end result of this process has culminated in the creation of a building concept that will be one of the most significant and dramatic projects in Warner Center; and


WHEREAS, Applicant has agreed to accept Conditions specified by the WHWCNC Board;




1.) All plans presented on December 12, 2018 at the Board Meeting of Woodland Hills –Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC) shall be dated as such and re-submitted to Planning as an (updated) project application submittal.


2.) The applicant will not submit any significant, further updated plans or changes without first presenting them to the WHWCNC for support.


3.) Additionally, all conditions herein shall be printed on one of the Project Summary pages as a  commitment to and acceptance of these conditions, as required by the Department of Planning.


4.) No banners or advertising signage shall be attached to the exterior of the completed structure.


5.)  Signage showing rendering of finished structure, plus specifics as to size, ownership and

contact information shall be erected and maintained during the construction phase(s) of the



6.) The applicant shall investigate the financial feasibility of constructing both Phase I and Phase II of the project at the same time.


The PLUM Committee recommends that the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Councilman Bob Blumenfield be notified by the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council Board of its recommendation.


Item No. (8) PLUM Committee – Lauren Coffman and Don Patterson, Co-Chairs

(18-111) DIR-2017-666-DRB-SPP-MSP

4710 Galendo Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

New single family residence, 3280 sq. ft. 3 story Mulholland Scenic Parkway outer corridor, and Mulholland DRB;


Discussion and possible action:


As pertaining to case DIR-2017-666-DRB-SPP-MSP,  having held one public meetng for the application filed by the property applicant Nathan Sewell of NS Designs, concerning  the new construction of a three story, 3,140 sq. ft. residence, which includes a 545 sq. ft. two car, attached garage, at 4710 Galendo Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility committee hereby finds that:


WHEREAS, the Applicant has designed and substantially complies with the applicable regulations, findings, standards, and provisions of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan, The Girard Tract Specific Plan and the Baseline Hillside Ordinance; and


WHEREAS, the applicant is not requesting any variances or making use of any floor area bonuses or height bonuses; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to  implement and will note on their plans, suggested improvements and modifications and conditions (see below) to the submitted application; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to implement and will note on their plans, that there will be no equipment located on the pitched roof; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to implement and will note on their plans, all of the suggested changes brought forth by the Mulholland Design Review Board;


THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Planning, Land Use and Mobility committee, for the findings and conditions stated herein, finds that the submitted application submitted by the applicant Nathan Sewell, for the new construction of a three story, 3,140 sq. ft. residence, which includes a 545 sq. ft. two car, attached garage receive the support of the Board of the Woodland Hill -Warner Center Neighborhood Council for the requested action contingent upon the following conditions:




  1. All plans presented on December 12, 2018 at the Board Meeting of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC) shall be dated as such and re-submitted to Planning as an (updated) project application submittal.
  2. Additionally, all conditions herein shall be printed on the Project Summary page as a commitment to and acceptance of these conditions.
  3. Required oak trees should be planted far enough away from structures and retaining wall footings so that the canopies and root balls can develop to maturity.
  4. The applicant and owner will not submit any significant further updated plans or changes without first presenting them to the WHWCNC for support.
  5. The applicant will provide Haul Routes for grading, as part of the submittal set, for WHWCNC Board review.
  6. The applicant will provide a Staging Area Plan for construction materials receiving and storage, as part of the submittal set, for WHWCNC Board review.
  7. The applicant will provide a Parking Plan for contractors and construction workers, as part of the submittal set, for WHWCNC Board review.
  8. The applicant will provide additional trees, above what is currently shown on the Landscape Plan, such as California Sycamore, with proper irrigation.

The Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Council member Bob Blumenfield of its recommendation.


Item No. (9) PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

(18-112) Case No. ZA-2018-4613-CUB-SPP

22135 W. Ventura Blvd,  Woodland Hills, CA 91364


Discussion and possible action:


As pertaining to case ZA-2018-4613-CUB-SPP,  located at 22135 Ventura Bouelvard, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, having held one public meeting for the application filed by the applicant Nico Grasu and his representative Mike Ayaz of Blake & Ayaz, a Law Corporation, for the request for a conditional use permit (CUB) to authorize the on-site sale and consumption of a full line of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with an existing 405 sq. ft. restaurant with 18 indoor and 11 outdoor seats in an uncovered 100.95 sq. ft. outdoor patio; and Pursuant to sec. 11.5.7 , a Specific Plan Project permit (SPP) request to authorize a project for exterior and interior improvements and a new wall sign to an existing restaurant located within the Ventura/Cahuenga Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan, where the hours of operation will be from 9 AM – 2 AM, the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee hereby finds that:


WHEREAS, the proposed use will still meet the requirements of the area Specific Plan; and


WHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to implement the suggested conditions (see below) to the submitted application as set forth by Commanding Officer Maureen Ryan from the Topanga Division; and


WHEREAS, the applicant will implement and will note on their plans all of the suggested changes as required by the planning hearing with regards to requirements set forth in the Ventura-Cahuenga Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan; and


THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee, for the findings and conditions stated herein, finds that the submitted application and plans by Mike Ayaz of Blake & Ayaz, a Law Corporation,  for the proposed Conditional Use Permit at the restaurant located at 22135 Ventura Boulevard receive the support of the Board of the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council for the requested actions contingent upon the following conditions:




  1. All plans presented on December 12, 2018 at the Board Meeting of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC) shall be dated as such and re-submitted to Planning as an (updated) project application submittal.


  1. Additionally, all conditions herein shall be printed on one of the Project Summary pages as a commitment to   and acceptance of these conditions.


  1. Within one year of the effective date of the zoning administrator’s letter of determination, all personnel acting in the capacity of manager or server at the premises shall attend a Standardized Training for Alcohol Retailers (STAR) session sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).


  1. The Petitioner(s) shall be responsible for maintaining free of litter, the area and adjacent to the premises over which they have control.


  1. No alcoholic beverage shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensees,


  1. No intoxicated person or persons observed publicly drinking shall be admitted to the location,


  1. The parking lot of the premises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to

illuminate and make easily discernible the appearance and conduct of all persons on or about the parking lot.


  1. No illuminated (i.e. neon) or alcohol advertising or digital signage of any type will be located in the windows or on the business storefront.


  1. Signs shall be posted in English and in the predominant language of the facility’s clientele,

if different, that California State Law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons who are under 21 years of age.


  1. The applicant shall provide the Zoning Administrator a copy of each license suspension

thereof or citation issued by the Los Angeles Poiice Department or State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control upon such issuance.


  • No smoking of tobacco or recreational medical marijuana products including cigarettes, cigars, hookah, vape or water pipes either inside the location or on any outdoor patios or driveway,


  • That all exterior public space (front, side and rear) will be illuminated with sufficient lighting for the police to identify all persons standing outdoors at night.


  1. The business operator shall install video surveillance cameras and monitors inside the premises and cameras outside which show the outside frontage area, to the satisfaction of the Police Department prior to the exercise of the grant. Evidence of compliance shall besubmitted by the business operator to the Zoning Administrator. The business operator shallmaintain the video for at least two weeks and have them made available to the Police Department upon request.


  1. That the authorized use shall be conducted at all times with due regard for the character of

the surrounding district, and the right is reserved by the Zoning Administrator to impose

additional corrective conditions, if, in the Administrator’s opinion, such conditions are

proven necessary for the protectios of persons in the neighborhood or occupants of adjacent

property or to revoke or amend this authorization if conditions are not met or operation of the site continues to constitute a nuisance.


  1. At all times when the premises are open for business, the sale of alcohoiic beverages shall be incidental to the sale of food.


  1. There shall be no live entertainment, amplified music, or dancing permitted on the premises at any time.


  1. These Conditions of Approval shalt be retained on the property at all times and shall be produced immediately upon the request of a Police Officer. The manager shall be made aware of the Conditions and inform their         employees of same. The manager shall also maintain an    emergency contact number for thc property owner.


  1. No person under age 18 shall serve or sell alcohol.


  1. The building will be finished with an anti grafitti coating and maintained free of grafitti.


The Planning, Land Use and Mobility Committee recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and Council District 3 Council member Bob Blumenfield of its recommendation.


  1. Board Member Area Reports:


Area 1 – Karen DiBiase, Linda Kouy-Ghadosh, Tamara Johnson

Area 2 – Sean McCarthy, Raymond Cole, Brian Drapkin, Paul Lawler

Area 3 – Nancy McLean, Herbert Madsen, Martin Lipkin

Area 4 – Don Patterson, Bill Anderson

Area 5 – Dorothy Strackbein, Mercy Alpert

Area 6 – Pat Patton, Heath Kline, Gilbert Yablon, Lauren Coffman

Area 7 – Aaron Williams, Joyce Fletcher, Peter Fletcher, Marie Pierre

At Large – Sheppard Kaufman, Gina Thornburg

Youth Member- Ved Kulkarni



Announcements: The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 9, 2018.


Meeting dates for or the upcoming 2018/2019 year; the proposed Board meeting dates are: TBD (Date, Time, location subject to change or cancellation. Please check the www.whcouncil.org website calendar page for any changes.


Adjournment of meeting:



*THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT – As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with

Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Joyce Fletcher, at (818-340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org or the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at (213) 978-1551 EmpowerLa@LACity.org


*PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings

that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website: www.whcouncil.org or at the scheduled meeting.  In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item

on the agenda, please contact Joyce Fletcher at (818) 340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org


*PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – agendas are posted for public review as follows:

  • www.whcouncil.org – go to the website Calendar page and click on the date – Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. Check the calendar for any change of meeting date.
  • You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at https://www.lacity.org/subscriptions


*RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS –  For information on the WHWCNC process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the WHWCNC Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board meetings and our website at www.whcouncil.org




December 12, 2018
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm PST
Event Category:



American Legion Hall
5320 Fallbrook Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 United States
+ Google Map