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Education Committee Teleconference Meeting

August 4, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PDT

This is a public meeting of the WHWCNC Education Committee Aug 4, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm PDT


 4 August 2020, 6:30 P.M.



In conformity with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 (MARCH 17, 2020) and due to concerns over COVID-19, the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council meetings will be conducted entirely telephonically.

Every person wishing to address the Neighborhood Council must dial +1 669 900 6833, and enter Zoom ID No. 934 0211 8910 and then press # to join the meeting. Instructions on how to sign up for public comment will be given to listeners at the start of the meeting. The public is requested to dial *9, when prompted by the presiding officer, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item.


THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT – As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment by email: NCSupport@lacity.org or phone: (213) 978-1551.

PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed on  our website at : www.whcouncil.org  or at the scheduled meeting.  In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Joyce Fletcher at (818) 639-9444 or email: j.fletcher@whcouncil.org

PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS – The public is requested dial *9, when prompted by the presiding officer, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period.   Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to two minutes per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN – Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a Joyce fletcher de la Mesa Directiva, al j.fletcher@whcouncil.org o por correo electrónico  avisar al Concejo Vecinal.

 Notice to Paid Representatives – If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code §§ 48.01 et seq. More information is available at ethics.lacity.org/lobbying. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at {213) 978-1960 or ethics.commission@lacity.org

PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS – Neighborhood Council agendas are posted for public review as follows:

  • Council website – whcouncil.org and go to the calendar page and click on the date, then meeting and agenda
  • You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at https://www.lacity.org/subscriptions


  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of Minutes, June 2, 2019 Committee Meeting
  5. Public Announcements – (2) minutes per speaker
  6. Public Comment Period (on items not on the agenda): (2) minutes per speaker


  1. Items for discussion and possible action:

 Item No. (1):  Discussion of “Meet the Principals” Outreach Program

 Item No. (2):  Pierce College Brahma Pantry Support

Whereas Neighborhood Councils were established as advisory bodies who advocate for their communities with City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness, and emergency preparedness. Neighborhood Councils are part of the Los Angeles City government, and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars; and,

Whereas  a recent research article in Ed Source (https://edsource.org/2020/community-colleges-struggle-with-students-food-needs-as-pandemic-increases-demand/634155) reports in a survey of Community Colleges that out of 46 responses to an EdSource survey of the 115 community colleges, all 46 have campus food pantries, with 26 continuing to distribute food despite campus closures. Twenty-one say their food pantries have seen an increase of applications for food and/or an increase in the amount of food being requested; and,

Whereas Pierce Community College is the sole Community College in the geographical area of the Woodland Hills Neighborhood Council; and,

Whereas the WHWCNC Education Committee has explored and determined the need for donations to address elements of many student’s food insecurity issues at the College;

Be it resolved that the WHWCNC Education Committee requests the full WHWCN to do the following:

  1. Request that Councilmember Bob Blumenfield contribute $10,000 to the Pierce Community College food bank from his officeholders account.
  2. The Neighborhood Council donate $5,000 to the Pierce Community College food bank from its operating account.
  3. The Council promote an online fundraising campaign among residents within its geographical boundary to support the Pierce Community College food bank.

 Item No. (3):  LAUSD Hygiene Project

 Item No. (4):  West Valley Occupational Center HiSet Program

  Item No. (5): Discussion of Possible Project with Girl Scouts and / or Boy Scouts

  1. Report of Scouts Sub-Committee
  2. Discussion

Item No. (6):  Discussion of Possible Jobs Fair Project

 Item No. (7):  Discussion FY 2021 Budget / Timeline

  1. Possible New Budgeting Time Line – Paul Lawler
  2. Discussion

 Item No. (8):  Discussion Committee Administrative Item – Possible New Committee Members

 Item No. (9):  Discussion Committee Administrative Item – Committee Organization

  1. Discussion of Working with Foundations
  2. Discussion of using “Team Work” Application
  3. Other

Item No. (10):  New Business

Adjournment of meeting:

*RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS – For information on the WHWCNC process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the WHWCNC Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board meetings and our website at www.whcouncil.org


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 – 6:30 – 7:50 pm



  1. Call to order – 6:32 p.m. by Chairman, Bill Anderson
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Bill Anderson.
  3. Roll Call – by Chairman, Bill Anderson

Present: Bill Anderson, John Sandy Campbell, Dan Chernow, Paul Lawler, Douglas Marriott,

Ginny Sand, Gina Thornburg, PhD.

QUORUM of 7 at 6:36 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Education Committee Meeting – December 3, 2019

Motion to accept the minutes by: Paul Lawler; Second by: Gina Thornburg.

Vote – Yes: 5   No: 0   Abstain: 2

  1. Public Announcements: There were no public announcements.
  2. Public Comment:

John Sandy Campbell commented that the WHWCNC Board of Directors virtual Board meetings should employ appropriate online meeting technology so that the public can see the individual Board member faces and thus connect with them. She urged other members of the WHWCNC Board of Directors to voice their support of this.

Dan Chernow voiced his support, commenting that the public should be able to see WHWCNC Board Members during the meetings.

Douglas Marriott also voiced his support for the public being able to see WHWCNC Boar Member faces at the meetings.

Gina Thornburg stated that DONE directives regarding Neighborhood Council Board virtual meetings are advisory and not “rules.” Neighborhood Council Board Members’ faces should be seen by stakeholders as some members of the public have hearing issues. Stakeholders need to be able to match Board Member comments with Board Member faces. She said that she has raised the issue with DONE without response.


  1. Items for discussion and possible vote:

Item No. (1) Review of Committee FY 2020 Projects interrupted as a result of cessation of Neighborhood Council Meetings due the Coronavirus

  1. “Meet the Principals” Outreach Program

Dan Chernow reported that meeting invitations to the Principals have been put on hold until we know how the schools will open in the fall. LAUSD will not make an announcement on this before the end of June. The Committee discussed whether to continue the program in FY 2021 as the current fiscal year, FY20, ends on 30 June. Support for continuation of the program was voiced by all Committee members.

  1. Pierce College Brahma Pantry Support

Gina Thornburg reported that she had spoken with program administrator, D’Arcy Corwin, in April. The pantry is still providing students with food support but is experiencing difficulties as donations from local supermarkets have stopped. She suggested that the Committee should look to providing support via a food drive or an NPG in FY 2021 as the pantry is still feeding students and there may be a 2nd wave to the current pandemic. Doug Marriott voiced support for the program.

  1. LAUSD Hygiene Project

Doug Marriott reported that an NPG application for the project had been sent to Sisters on the Street before the pandemic shutdown occurred. Contact needs to be re-established. Gina Thornburg stated that follow up with Matthew Meyers of Taft was interrupted by the pandemic. She also expressed concern about keeping the program targeted at Woodland Hills high schools and middle schools as Sisters of the Street serviced the entire San Fernando Valley. Bill Anderson observed that this issue could be resolved by ensuring that the language in any NPG application be such that the use of the NPG would be for Woodland Hills schools only.

  1. West Valley Occupational Center HiSet Program

Bill Anderson reported that the NPG application form given to WVOCHS Principal Monica Balbuena was not processed due to cessation of both Committee and WHWCNC Board meetings in March. As result, no vote on the application could be done by either body in time to meet Los Angeles City funding deadlines. The Committee voiced support for picking up the program in the new fiscal year, having the WVOCHS Principal submit a new NPG.

Motion for the WHWCNC Education Committee to continue our work in the remainder of this fiscal year (2020) and in the next fiscal year (2021) on the projects included in Item No. (1), namely, “Meet the Principals” Outreach Program; Pierce College Brahma Pantry Support; LAUSD Hygiene Project; West Valley Occupational Center HiSet Program.

 Motion: Dan Chernow, Second: Doug Marriott

PASS Yes: 7 No: 0 Abstain: Total: 7

 Item No. (2) Discussion of Possible Plans for FY 2021

 Discussion of Possible Projects for FY 2021

  1. Girls Scouts of America / Boy Scouts of America

The Committee discussed various ways the Committee could sponsor and / or work with the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts. Sponsoring membership in local troops was discussed along with helping with uniforms; NPG donations; funds for community services activities.

A sub-committee Chaired by John Sandy Campbell and including Ginny Sand and Bill Anderson was created to research potential projects with both sets of scouts.

Action Item: The Scouts Sub-Committee will get discuss how to proceed and obtain

information from both the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts regarding possible projects.

  1. Possible Job Fair Panel Event

Per a suggestion by John Sandy Campbell, the Committee discussed developing a possible annual event that would feature a panel discussion by people in various professions who graduated from high schools in Woodland Hills. The panelists would be in mid-career and provide local students with insights into these careers and how they developed their career path. The event could be live or for the time being an online event. Development of the event could include various scenarios including a possible awards ceremony for student community service. An entrepreneurship discussion could be part of a larger event or a separate offering.

The event could take place in May 2021 but would need planning to start now.

Action Item: The Committee will individually consider ideas for this event for a continued discussion at its next meeting.

  1. Discussion of Possible Committee Planning Time Line

The Committee discussed the yearly budget process. Bill Anderson suggested that the Committee first finalize what projects it will undertake in FY 2021. Once decided, costs could be researched.

Paul Lawler reported that the timeline for budgeting this year in unclear as the pandemic has caused the people in the City Clerks Office to work from home. There is little telephone communication. As a result, it is unclear how and when things will be handled, events in particular as the “old” event packet will have to be changed for the pandemic. More may be known by August, possibly a new event packet will be available.

 Action Item: Paul Lawler to report any new information on the budget time line and event packet at the next committee meeting.

 Action Item: The Committee members will study all project suggestions and discuss a go-forward scenario at the next meeting of the Committee.

 Item No. (3) Discussion of Committee Administrative Items

  1. Resignation of Aaron Williams

Bill Anderson announced that former Committee member Aaron Williams had formally resigned from the Committee citing lack of time for the Committee. Bill Anderson expressed to Aaron the thanks of the Committee for his service.

  1. Recruitment of Additional Committee Members

Bill Anderson asked that the Committee come up with suggestions for additional people to serve on the Committee. A teacher is especially desired. Ginny Sand asked about limitations to the number of people that can serve on the Committee. Bill Anderson said that each committee can have no more than five WHWCNC Board of Directors members and is limited to a total committee roster of eleven – a limit of six stakeholders.

Action Item: The Committee will bring new member suggestions to its next meeting.

  1. Committee Organization

The Committee discussed how it could become mor efficient in working on its projects. Gina Thornburg suggested that at least two people be assigned to each project and that they “check in” with each other between meetings to keep the work going. John Sandy Campbell suggested that the Committee start using an online application, “Team Work.”

Action Item: The Committee will discuss work organization and using “Team Work” at its next meeting.

Adjournment of meeting:

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:40 p.m. by Dan Chernow; Second by: Douglas Marriott.

Vote – Yes: 7   No: 0   Abstain: 0    Total: 7

The American With Disabilities ActAs a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Joyce Fletcher, at (818- 340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org or the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at (213) 978-1551 EmpowerLa@LACity.org

Public Access of Records – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non- exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website: www.whcouncil.org or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Joyce Fletcher at (818) 340-6554 or email j.fletcher@whcouncil.org

Public Posting of Agendasagendas are posted for public review as follows:

www.whcouncil.org – go to the website Calendar page and click on the date – Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The Community Services Committee meets the first and third Monday of each month. Check the calendar page for any change of meeting date.

You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at https://www.lacity.org/subscriptions

Reconsideration and Grievous ProcessFor information on the WHWCNC process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the WHWCNC Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board meetings and our website at www.whcouncil.org



August 4, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PDT
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