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August 8, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm PDT


Wednesday, August 8, 2018 – 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

American Legion Hall

5320 Fallbrook Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Click for Board Agenda

Board Support Documents Below

CIS Statement For Approval

June 2018 MER

NC Funding Policy

Stakeholders and the public are permitted to address the Council on any item on the Agenda prior to the Board taking an action on said item. It is requested speakers complete a “Speaker Card” and hand it to the Chair.

Comments from Stakeholders and the Public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction on other matters not appearing on the Agenda will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public Comment is limited to 20 minutes.

Each speaker is limited to two minutes, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Council.

The opinions, positions or actions taken by the Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council do not represent or imply similar opinions held by the Owner, Landlord, L.A.U.S.D, or representatives of any venue hosting a meeting of the Neighborhood Council Board, or affiliated committees.




Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


Approval of Minutes:   Board Meeting –July 11, 2018




  1. Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures:


Public Announcements:


LAPD Topanga Division – Lead Officers, Sean Dinse and Brent Rygh

Office of Councilman Bob Blumenfield

New Empower LA representative for WHWCNC – Gibson Nyambura

Office of other Local and State Officials and Other Public Announcements and Presentations


Public Comment Period (on items not on the agenda): (2) minutes per speaker


Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures, Officer Reports:


President – Joyce Fletcher

Vice-President – Sheppard Kaufman

Treasurer – Heath Kline

Secretary – Linda Kouy-Ghadosh

Parliamentarian – Don Patterson













Jenny Portillo – Senior Field Deputy for Councilmember Bob Blumenfield

Tanaz Golshon – West Valley Field Representative for Mayor Eric Garcetti

Erin Schneider – West Valley Field Deputy for L.A. County Supervisor, District 3, Sheila Kuehl

Catherine Coddington – Field Representative for Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel

Kevin Taylor – District Director for State Senator Henry Stern


The panel will discuss a variety of issues, concerns and possible solutions related to homelessness in the San Fernando Valley. The panel discussion will be followed by a question and answer period.

If you have a question or comment please fill out a speaker card and give to the Board President prior to the start of the meeting. Each speaker will be provided (2) minutes to speak.



  1. Items for Board discussion and possible action:


Item No. (1) August Steurer, Chair, WHIP Committee

(18-067) Neighborhood Council Funding


Discussion and possible action:

A motion to the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council from the Woodland Hills Impacts and Policies Committee in response to a Work Group of Neighborhood Council members to advise the Board of Neighborhood Council Commissioners in regard to how funding for Neighborhoods Councils (NCs) should be distributed to NCs.

Regarding funding equity for NCs, the WHIP Committee of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Councils moves that the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council find:

WHEREAS, currently all NCs receive equal funding of $42,000 regardless of their size and activities; and,

WHEREAS, in the early years of NCs, they were able to rollover funds not used to their next budget; and,

WHEREAS, at that time the WHWCNC was able to use accumulated rollover funds to fund and promote multiple public workshops and newsletters regarding the start of the Warner Center Specific Plan revision, which led to its adoption; and,

WHEREAS, NCs cannot currently rollover unspent funds; and

WHEREAS, many NCs try to spend all funds before the end of the fiscal year when those funds would be better used in the next fiscal year if they had rollover; and

WHEREAS, the WHWCNC firmly believes that equitable funding should mean serving all stakeholders equitably to the degree possible; and

WHEREAS, currently a NC of 3800 residents receives about $11 per resident and a NC of 95,000 residents receives about 44¢ per resident, the current policy of equal funding across NCs is grossly inequitable distribution of money back to city residents; and,

WHEREAS, the WHWCNC believes that to fulfill the LA Charter’s Purpose for Neighborhood Councils, which is “promoting more citizen participation in government and making government more responsive to local needs,” stakeholder outreach is a primary purpose of NCs; and,

WHEREAS, costs of doing outreach have significantly increased since the early years; and,

WHEREAS, NCs ability to effectively use social media at no cost is rapidly declining and becoming pay per play; and,

THEREFORE, the Woodland Hills Impacts and Policies recommends that the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council advise the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners that:

  • A portion (not more than 35%) of the funds provided annually in the City Budget for funding the NCs be divided equally among all neighborhood councils for the purpose of providing a base amount for funding each NC.
  • The remaining portion of funds for NCs be divided proportionately based on each NC’s population percentage of the total NC system population.
  • NC population for funding is to be based on the basis of population actually within each NC’s borders and not just the community, as NC boundaries may vary from the community.
  • NC’s be allowed to rollover 35% of their annual allocation of funds into subsequent years.

This resolution is to be transmitted to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, Councilman Bob Blumenfield, and the Mayor’s Office plus submitted as a community impact statement to any related legislation by City Council.

Item No. (2)  August Steurer, Chair, WHIP Committee

(18-068) City Council File 18-0467


Discussion and possible action:


A motion to the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council from the Woodland Hills Impacts and Policies Committee in response to a City Council Motion in City Council File 18-0467, which seeks to study potential changes to the system of Neighborhood Councils and seeks input on those changes.

WHEREAS, (1) the Council Motion (CM) suggests changing the name of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) to the Neighborhood Council Department and changing the name of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) to the Neighborhood Council Commission; and,

WHEREAS, BONC is not a Commission made up of NCs; and

WHEREAS, many other Departments are named conventionally as the Department of “something”, such as the Department of City Planning and the Department of Transportation; and,

WHEREAS, Neighborhood Councils (NCs) empower communities instead of the DONE; and

WHEREAS, the DONE’s role should be providing training, essential platforms, resources and generally supporting NCs in performing their community role; and,

WHEREAS, (2) the CM suggests removing “Community Interest Stakeholder” from the Los Angeles Administrative Code; and,

WHEREAS, (3) the CM suggests removing “Selections” as a way to constitute NC Boards; and,

WHEREAS, (4) the CM suggests having BONC on a one-time basis review all NC bylaws for equitable representation of stakeholder groups; and,

WHEREAS, NCs bylaws have been reviewed for equitable representation in the NC formation process; and

WHEREAS, (5) the CM suggests having a uniform voting age across al NCs, and

WHEREAS, (6) the CM suggests developing and requiring training for Chairs and Vice-Chairs of planning and land use committees; and,

WHEREAS, (7) the CM suggests creating a process for NCs to roll-over a non-cumulative funding amount of $10,000 each fiscal year; and

WHEREAS, (8) the CM suggests a process to reinstate the ability of NCs to accept in-kind and monetary donations; and

WHEREAS, (9) the CM suggests investigating the feasibility of having all NC elections on the same day in order to provide uniform advertising and outreach; and

WHEREAS, (10) the CM suggests creating a process to have the General Services Department and the City Clerk assist NCs is accessing shared space in City facilities; and,

WHEREAS, (11) the CM suggests developing how-to-guides based on a compendium of NC best practices; and,

WHEREAS, Training for NC members and Stakeholders would be more efficiently delivered online when they need it and not just periodically; and,

WHEREAS, (12) the CM suggests establishment and training of liaisons in each City Department to assist and communicate with a corresponding liaison within each NC; and,

WHEREAS, the maker of the CM, Councilman Ryu, has requested that NCs respond directly to the City Council Committee that he chairs, which is responsible for handling issues related to NCs;


Therefore; the Board of the Woodland Hills – Warner Center Neighborhood Council (WHWCNC) advises the City Council of the following:

  • WHWCNC supports renaming the DONE to the Department of Neighborhood Councils (DNC) and renaming BONC to the Commission on Neighborhood Councils (CNC).
  • WHWCNC supports (a) removal of “Community Interest Stakeholder” from the Los Angeles Administrative Code. Each NC Board should be able to determine its structure and voter eligibility.
  • WHWCNC supports NCs retaining the option of using Selections or Elections as each may be the most viable option for an NC.
  • WHWCNC believes that BONC only creates policy and should only review changes and not initiate/dictate changes to NC bylaws.
  • WHWCNC believes NC’s should have a choice on minimum voting age and does not support a uniform voting age requirement.
  • WHWCNC supports necessary funding and online course development for requiring all NC Board members to take a basic course on land use and planning. In addition, require the development and attendance in additional training courses for land use committee chairs and committee members.
  • WHWCNC supports using a percentage of 35% of an NCs annual funding for purposes of determining allowable amount for rolling over funds on a non-cumulative basis.
  • WHWCNC supports reinstating the ability of NCs to accept in-kind and monetary donations.
  • WHWCNC ______supports or _____does not support the concept of having all NC elections on the same day if realistic funding, staff and resources are provided to make the election process more successful than the current system.
  • WHWCNC supports (a) the concept of City Departments assisting NCs to have access to shared space in City facilities and (b) City Departments acquiring additional space in Woodland Hills – Warner Center or making existing Libraries and Police Department or Fire Department facilities more
  • WHWCNC supports developing how-to-guides and online training based on a compendium of NC best practices.
  • WHWCNC supports establishment and training of liaisons in each City Department to assist and communicate with a corresponding liaison within each NC.

This resolution is to be transmitted to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, Councilman Bob Blumenfield, the Health, Education and Neighborhood Councils Committee of the City Council and submitted as a community impact statement to any related legislation by City Council.                        

Item No. (3) Sheppard Kaufman, VP & Chair, Public Safety Committee & Ved Kulkarni, Youth Board Member & Committee Member, Public Safety.

(18-069) Related to: SB-1045 (Stern/Wiener)


Conservatorship: “Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders” & LA Council File# 18-0002S28 In Support of SB-1045


Discussion and possible action:




WHEREAS, California State Senate Bill 1045 (As amended July 02, 2018) provides for an experimental and limited expansion of Conservatorship programs to serve the needs of those individuals suffering from serious mental illness and a substance abuse disorder who are shown not have the capacity to care for themselves; and


WHEREAS, the current version of the proposed legislation adds numerous protections for the proposed conservatee; and,

WHEREAS, the goal of the legislation is to provide a path to rehabilitation and self-sufficiency for the conservatee in the least restrictive, yet effective, manner; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles is directly affected by and supports the proposed legislation;


THEREFORE, it is resolved that The WOODLAND HILLS WARNER CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL supports the action taken in CF 18-0002-S28 and the pilot program outlined in SB-1045 with the following comments:

(Sec 5452): Consider providing further clarity on licensing and training standards required – as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, or other nationally recognized medical professional standards organization – in order to serve as a “qualified person” to provide evaluation services.


(Sec 5462) Provide the conservatee written notice if the conservator has petitioned the court for an extension of the conservatorship.


Provide clarity on the housing of children where their parent(s) is (are) committed to conservatorship.


(Sec 5459) – As the conservator is required to have a fiduciary duty to protect and care for the conservatee, please further include the that conservator shall have successfully completed fiduciary duty training provided by an entity approved by the California Department of Consumer Affairs Professional Fiduciaries Bureau prior to beginning the conservatorship unless the conservator is a close relative of the conservatee.


We further suggest that when a non-governmental conservator is appointed there be a County or City official assigned to oversee the actions of conservators on a regular basis in order to ensure that the best interests of the conservatee are being maintained and that the conservator is fully trained in all of the requirements set forth in the legislation.


Article 5555 calls for a working group to submit a preliminary report of the effectiveness of the program by Jan 1, 2021; we request that there be mandatory yearly (or more frequent) legislative reviews in order to make adjustments to the program based on the findings of the Working Group –including the discontinuation (or extension) of the program based on the Working Group’s findings and public input.


Further, we request that the funding mechanism(s) for the programs be clearly defined and in place – including any applicable state funding available to support requirements of the

legislation – prior to implementation of the program(s).


The final statement will be submitted to the California Legislative portal, the offices of the bill’s authors, the office  of Councilmember Blumenfield and to the referenced council file.


Item No (4) Heath Kline, Treasurer

(18-070) Approval of Monthly Expense Reconciliation (MER) for June 2018


Discussion and possible action:


Motion to approve the WHWCNC Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Monthly Expense Reconciliation [MERs] for June 2018 with a beginning balance of $22,379.38 and an ending FY unspent funds remaining of $3,855 which will be returned to the City and will not be available to the NC to spent. [52 pages see June 2018 MER 20180630 posted with this agenda]

Item No. (5) Heath Kline, Treasurer

(18-071) Approval of Monthly Expense Reconciliation [MER] for July 2018


Discussion and possible action:


Motion to approve the WHWCNC Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Monthly Expense Reconciliation [MER] for July 2018 with a beginning 2018-2019 FY budget of $42,000.


As of the time the August Agenda must be finalized and posted the MER is not available from the City. If it becomes available before the August 8 meetings copies will be distributed to the public and to the board to review and vote upon. If it is not available the vote will be tabled until the September meeting.

Item No. (6) Heath Kline, Treasurer

(18-072) Report on FY2018 Spending and Financial Policy Changes & Updates FY2019


Report and Discussion:


Final budget report for FY2018 and updates on policy changes & updates that will affect board member responsibilities and spending going forward.


Prior to the meeting, please read and review the updated Neighborhood Council Funding Program Policies & Guidelines, 2nd Addition, July 1, 2018, and note the new/changed items contained in RED text. [44 pages see NCFP Policies 07.19.18 Final.pdf posted with this agenda] Please bring an electronic or hard copy to the meeting.


Item No. (7) Bill Anderson, Chair, Education Committee

(18-073) Funding for WHWCNC/LAUSD Poster Contest


Discussion and possible action:


Motion to approve the following purchases, approved by the WHWCNC Board as part of the 2018/2019 WHWCNC Budget, for the WHWCNC Poster Contest which is a part of the Fall Fair to be held 27 October at the Woodland Hills Recreation Center:

Up to $1,600.00 for 3,300 sheets of watercolor paper, cold press, 11” x 15” from Carter Sexton Artist Materials or like vendor

Up to $85.00 for mailing labels from Office Depot or like vendor

Up to $210.00 for wire ties from Home Depot of like vendor

Up to $80.00 for a Swingline Lever-Handle Heavy Duty Punch

Up to $50.00 for purchase of refreshments for volunteers assembling poster materials



  1. Board Member Area Reports:


Area 1 – Karen DiBiase, Linda Kouy-Ghadosh, Tamara Johnson

Area 2 – Sean McCarthy, Raymond Cole, Brian Drapkin, Paul Lawler

Area 3 – Nancy McLean, Herbert Madsen, Martin Lipkin, Eva Morris-Huffman

Area 4 – Don Patterson, Cameron Gil, Bill Anderson

Area 5 – Dorothy Strackbein, Richard Hollander, Mercy Alpert

Area 6 – Pat Patton, Heath Kline, Gilbert Yablon, Lauren Coffman

Area 7 – Aaron Williams, Joyce Fletcher, Peter Fletcher, Marie Pierre

At Large – Sheppard Kaufman, Gina Thornburg

Youth Member- Ved Kulkarni


  1. Committee Reports:


Beautification Committee – Sean McCarthy, Chair

Budget Committee – Heath Kline and Joyce Fletcher, Co-Chairs

Community Outreach Committee – Ray Cole, Chair – Peter Fletcher, Vice Chair

Community Services Committee  – Mercy Alpert and Joyce Fletcher, Co-Chairs

Education Committee – Bill Anderson, Chair

Environment Committee – Karen DiBiase and Gina Thornburg, Co-Chairs

Governance Committee – Don Patterson, Chair

Homelessness Committee  – Ray Cole, Chair

PLUM Committee – Don Patterson and Lauren Coffman, Co-Chairs

Public Safety Committee – Sheppard Kaufman, Chair

WHIP Committee – August Steurer, Chair

Ad-hoc Westfield Promenade 2035 Project – Joyce Fletcher, Chair

Ad-hoc SSFL Committee – Karen DiBiase, Chair



Announcements: The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.


Meeting dates for or the upcoming 2018/2019 year; the proposed Board meeting dates are: TBD (Date, Time, location subject to change or cancellation. Please check the www.whcouncil.org website calendar page for any changes.


Adjournment of meeting:



Disabilities Act Notification: As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the bases of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to

ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least three business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Joyce Fletcher 818-340-6554 j.fletcher@whcouncil.org or the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at (213) 978-1551 EmpowerLa@LACity.org


Brown Act Notification: In compliance with Government Code 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at the www.whcouncil.org. calendar page.

Agendas for meetings will be posted here and at specific locations 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Meetings are subject to change and the WHWCNC website www.whcouncil.org should be checked frequently.

If you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact: l.kouyghadosh@whcouncil.org



August 8, 2018
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm PDT
Event Category:
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American Legion Hall
5320 Fallbrook Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 United States
+ Google Map