Items for discussion and possible vote:
Possible action regarding a Community Impact Statement advising Councilman Blumenfield to submit a motion to City Council regarding the proposed CA Senate Bill 827 which would state-wide supercede all general, community and specific plans and local ordinances. The bill would define a transit-rich housing project as a residential development project the parcels of which are all within a half-mile radius of a major transit stop or a quarter-mile radius of a high-quality transit corridor, as those terms are further defined. This bill would authorize a transit-rich housing project to receive a transit-rich housing bonus. The bill would exempt a project awarded a housing opportunity bonus from various requirements, including maximum controls on residential density or floor area ratio, minimum automobile parking requirements, design standards that restrict the applicant’s ability to construct the maximum number of units consistent with any applicable building code, and maximum height limitations, as provided. Height limits are increased to 85 or 55 feet.
Possible action regarding a Community Impact Statement advising Councilman Blumenfield to submit a motion to City Council regarding the proposed CA Senate Bill 827 which rollover unmet housing allocations for planning jurisdictions and increase the likelihood of streamlining housing applications with affordable housing in those jurisdictions under the previously passed SB35.
The initial 4 categories of questions are: Transportation, New Housing, Community Serving Retail, and Commercial. The meeting will focus on transit-related needs for the community.